Adopted: 31 May 2010
Amendments: August 2022
17/7A, Karlshrue Gardens, Colombo 10
1. There shall be established an Association known as the Sri Lanka Esports Association (hereinafter referred to as “the Association”).
2. The objectives of the Association shall be to –
(A) promote Esports within Sri Lanka
(B) promote the participation of Sri Lankan teams at international competitions and events
(C) set standards for competitive Esports in Sri Lanka in conformity with international standards
(D) develop skills among cyber-athletes engaged in Esports in Sri Lanka
3. The membership of the Association shall comprise the following –
(A) Full Members
(B) Associate Members
4. The following shall be eligible to be admitted as an Associate Member of the Association –
(A) a Clan that has been engaged in competitive Esports for a minimum period of one (01) year ;
(B) a Gaming café that has functioned as a Gaming café for a minimum period of one (01) year and provided facilities for persons to engage in Esports;
(C) an Organization or other body that has contributed to the promotion of Esports in a significant manner.
5. An Associate Member of the Association that has completed membership as an Associate Member for a period of not less than two (02) years, and has not had any adverse disciplinary rulings issued by the Association against such Member during the immediately preceding two years, shall be eligible to be admitted as a Full Member of the Association.
6. An application to be admitted as a Full Member or Associate Member of the Association shall be made to the Secretary in the format in the schedule hereto, along with such membership fee as is determined by the Executive Committee from time to time.
7. (1) An application to be admitted as an Associate member of the Association shall be approved by a vote of the Full Members on the recommendation of the Executive Committee, as follows–
(A) in the case of an application by a Clan referred to in clause 4(a) above, the application may be approved by a vote of Full Members on the recommendation of the Executive Committee on being satisfied that such Clan has in fact fulfilled the criteria outlined in 4(a) and the Clan has conducted themselves in a satisfactory manner;
(B) in the case of an application by a Gaming café referred to in clause 4(b) above, the application may be approved by a vote of Full Members on the recommendation of the Executive Committee, on being satisfied that such Café, has in fact fulfilled the criteria outlined in 4(b), and has conducted themselves in a satisfactory manner;
(C) in the case of an application by an Organization or other body referred to in clause 4(c) above, the application may be approved by a vote of Full Members on the recommendation of the Executive Committee, on being satisfied that such Organisation or other body has contributed to the promotion of Esports in a significant manner.
(2) An application by an Associate Member of the Association to be admitted as a Full Member may be approved by a majority vote of the Full Members on the recommendation of the Executive Committee, upon being satisfied that such Member has completed at least two (02) years as an Associate Member and has not, during the immediately preceding period of two (02) years, had any adverse disciplinary findings against the Member on account of anything done by such Member or any person acting for that Member,
(3) A decision of the Full Members with regard to an application shall be final.
8. (1) Where an application to be admitted as a Full Member is approved , the applicant Clan, Gaming café, Organization or other body, shall be accorded the status of a “Full Member” of the Association.
(2) Where an application to be admitted as an Associate member is approved by the Full Members, the applicant shall be accorded the status of an “Associate member” of the Association.
9. (1) A Full Member shall be entitled to nominate up to three (03) representatives, over the age of 18 years at the time of nomination, to attend meetings of the Association, as the representatives of such member and such representatives shall, if such member is not in arrears of membership fees, have the right to attend meetings of the Association and cast a single vote collectively, on behalf of such member.
(2) An Associate Member shall be entitled to nominate up to three (03) representatives, over the age of 18 years at the time of nomination, to attend meetings of the Association, as the representatives of such Associate member and such representatives shall, if such Associate member is not in arrears of membership fees, have the right to attend meetings of the Association but shall not have the right to vote.
(3) In the event that a representative of a Member is elected to the Executive Committee, that Member is then allowed to nominate an additional representative for each elected representative.
10. (1) A Full or Associate member may be removed from membership upon a decision of the Full Members on any of the following grounds –
(A) If such member is in arrears of membership fees ; or
(B) If such member is guilty of a serious breach of discipline as a result of –
(i) having acted In a manner which brings disrepute to the Association; or
(ii) having engaged in activities that are in conflict with the interests of the Association; or
(iii) having acted in breach of the provisions of this Constitution.
(2) Prior to taking a decision with regard to any Member, such Member shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard.
(3) Where a decision is taken to remove a Full Member or Associate member from the membership of the Association, the Secretary shall notify such member of such decision stating the reasons therefor and the date with effect from which such member stands removed from membership and ceases thereby to enjoy the privileges of membership.
11. (1) Where any complaint is received from any person regarding the conduct of a Full Member or Associate Member, the Executive Committee shall cause a full and fair independent inquiry to be conducted at which the Member against whom the allegation is made, shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard and to respond to the allegations made.
(2) The inquiry may be conducted by a single person appointed as the Disciplinary Committee Chairperson or a tribunal of three persons headed by the Disciplinary Committee Chairperson.
(3) Upon the conclusion of the inquiry, a report thereon (“a Disciplinary Report”) stating whether the Member against whom the complaint is made is guilty of any breach of discipline or is not guilty, shall be submitted to the Executive Committee.
(3) Upon receipt of the Disciplinary Report, and where a finding of guilt is reported, the Executive Committee shall take action as follows-
(C) in the case of a minor breach, issue a warning that the offensive conduct should not be repeated; and
(D) in a case where the breach is not minor and disciplinary action is warranted, recommend to the Full Members, whether the defaulting member should be–
(i) suspended from membership for a defined period of time; or
(ii) removed from membership where the breach is serious; or
(iii) dealt with in any other manner,
(4) Upon receipt of the Disciplinary Report and the recommendation of the Executive Committee, the Full Members shall take a decision with regard to the matter.
12. (1) The administration of the affairs of the Association shall be vested in an Executive Committee which shall consist of the following office bearers who shall be elected from among the representatives of Full members who are not in arrears of subscription, at an Annual General Meeting of the Association –
(A) President
(B) Vice President
(C) Secretary
(D) Assistant Secretary
(E) Treasurer
(F) Media Secretary
(G) Assistant Media Secretary
(H) Chairperson Clan Committee
13. (1) The Executive Committee shall have the power to do all such things as may be necessary to achieve the objectives of the Association.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the powers vested by paragraph (a) above, and the specific powers vested by the provisions herein, the Executive Committee shall have the power to–
(A) organize activities including tournaments and competitive events, to promote Esports;
(B) set standards that must be followed by persons who engage in Esports events;
(C) take all such steps as are necessary to ensure that all activities held in Sri Lanka relating to Esports are held in compliance with standards set by the Association;
(D) establish cooperation with Esports related Organizations overseas in furtherance of the objectives of the Association;
(E) appoint, at the discretion of the Committee, such special committees for specific purposes as are necessary to achieve the objectives of the Association;
(F) make recommendations to the Full Members with regard to the admission of members;
(G) determine the action to be taken in respect of disciplinary matters;
(H) determine from time to time the membership fee that shall be paid by members of the Association, and the date by which annual membership fees shall be paid;
(I) select, through acceptable selection procedures, the teams that shall represent Sri Lanka at professional and other levels in domestic and international competitions;
(J) shall encourage and promote the formation of District Associations.
14. The members of the Executive Committee shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting of the Association, and shall serve for a term of two (02) years, and shall be eligible for re-election.
15. (1) Any Executive Committee member’s term may be terminated or suspended prematurely at a Special General Meeting convened for the purpose and with the approval of more than two-thirds (2/3) of the Full Members.
(2) Any Executive Committee member may resign from their role via written notice to the President or the Vice President or the Secretary.
(3) A Executive Committee member will automatically be terminated from their position if they declare bankruptcy, if found guilty in a felony or criminal matter in a court of law of which circumstances, nature or severity, render the respective Executive Committee member unworthy to reasonably continue to serve and represent the Association.
(4) In the case of a vacancy occurring to the termination of an elected Executive Committee member, the Executive Committee may co-opt a person to fill the vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting, where a suitable candidate may be voted in to fulfill the vacancy until the end of the term.
16. Any Executive Committee Members shall serve their role voluntarily and shall not be entitled for any compensation, excluding reimbursement of expenses directly tied to their duties and approved by the Executive Committee.
17. The Executive Committee may establish other committees within the Association and vest power and responsibility into these committees. The Executive Committee shall decide the office-bearers of such committees and regulations concerning their activity.
18. The duties of the office bearers shall be as set out below –
(A) The Secretary shall be responsible for –
(i) maintaining the records and registers of the affiliated members of the Association;
(ii) maintaining a record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Association;
(iii) maintaining a record of all events held and organized by the Association;
(iv) preparing and submitting the Annual Report of the activities of the Association at the Annual General Meeting;
(v) such other functions, duties and assignments as may be determined by the Executive Committee.
(B) The Treasurer shall be responsible for –
(i) collecting and receiving all membership fees, donations and other monies due to the Association;
(ii) the due and proper disbursement of the monies of the Association as authorized by the Executive Committee;
(iii) maintaining proper books of Accounts with regard to all financial transactions of the Association ;
(iv) maintaining an inventory of all the movable and immovable assets of the Association ;
(v) causing the Accounts of the Association to be audited annually ; and
(vi) presenting a report of such audited statement of Accounts at the Annual General Meeting;
(vii) such other functions, duties and assignments as may be determined by the Executive Committee.
(C) The Media Secretary shall be responsible for the dissemination of all information in relation to the Association and activities conducted by the Association, as may be necessary to achieve the objects of the Association.
(D) The Chairperson Clan Committee shall be responsible for the coordination between Member Clans
19. (1) Elections of the members of the Executive Committee will be held every two (2) years at an Annual General Meeting of the Association
(2) The Elections shall be held in the following order (where applicable):
(A) President
(B) Vice President
(C) Secretary
(D) Assistant Secretary
(E) Treasurer
(F) Media Secretary
(G) Assistant Media Secretary
(H) Chairperson Clan Committee
(3) Nominations shall be submitted to the President at least two (2) months prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting in which the election will be held.
(4) Members shall be limited to nominating one (1) person for election to each vacant position.
(5) Candidates may be nominated only by Full Members who are not in arrears of subscription.
(6) Candidates must have reached the age of eighteen (18) at the date of election and be in full possession of their civic rights.
(7) In respect of the position of a member of the Executive Committee:
(A) There shall be a single vote for each vacant position on the Executive Committee
(B) Representatives of Full Members who are not in arrears of subscription will be able to vote for each vacant position from the nominated candidates
(C) The nominated candidates with the greatest number of votes shall be declared elected to the respective position in the Executive Committee
(D) In the case of a tie for any position, the President holding office at the commencement of the Annual General Meeting shall have the casting vote
(8) For the avoidance of any doubt, any unsuccessful candidate for any position may, if also so nominated, be included in a subsequent election for any other position
20. (1) Upon request, the Executive Committee may in its sole discretion grant (and revoke at any time) Observer status to an organisation which:
(A) has filed an application for Observer status;
(B) has, according to the sole opinion of the Executive Committee, has no Compatibility Issue with an existing Member;
(2) The Observer status does not confer any right other than the right to attend meetings as an observer.
(3) Subject to a revocation decided by the Executive Committee, the Observer status is valid for two (2) years, renewable.
(4) In addition to the above rules, the Executive Committee is competent to enact guidelines governing the grant of the status of Observer as well as the fees or subscriptions to be charged to any Applicant being granted the Observer status
21. The Full Members may, upon a proposal by the Executive Committee, grant the title of “Honorary President” or “Honorary Member” respectively to a retiring President or a retiring Executive Committee member for their outstanding services to the Association. They may attend meetings, but do not have the right to vote.
22.(1) Any Member may resign at any time.
(2) Such resignation shall take effect immediately upon receipt of a notice of resignation signed by the representatives of the Member nominated in clause 9(1) or 9(2).
(3) A Member that resigns remains liable for any outstanding obligations to the Association.
23. (1) The Executive Committee may suspend a Member until the next Ordinary Meeting:
(A) if it fails to comply with a provision of the Statutes, regulations, directives and decisions of the Association;
(B) if it fails to fulfill its financial obligations and pay its liabilities due to the Association;
(2) A final decision must be made by the next Ordinary Meeting, provided the suspension is still in force at that time.
24. (1) A Member shall lose its membership (termination of membership) through a resolution on the recommendation of the Executive Committee by a vote of Full Members, notably for the following reasons:
(A) refusal to pay any liabilities due to the Association;
(B) non-payment of dues for 2 (two) or more years ;
(C) refusal to comply with the provisions of the Statutes, regulations, directives and decisions of the Association;
(D) acting against the objectives and goals of the Association;
(2) Termination of Membership does not exempt the Member from paying the dues owed to the Association prior to the termination of its membership
(3) A terminated member may re-apply for membership in accordance to the admission rules stipulated in clause 4.
25. A notice or notification to a Member shall be deemed to have been properly received provided it was sent by email or by regular mail.
26.(1) There shall be an Annual General Meeting of the Association each year, on a date which shall not exceed a period of 12 months from the date of the immediately preceding Annual General Meeting.
(2) The Secretary shall give fourteen (14) days notice of an Annual General Meeting and of the Agenda for such meeting, to all members.
(3) The quorum for an Annual General Meeting shall be half (1/2) the number of Full members.
27. (1) Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held as and when required, but at least once in every three months.
(2) The quorum for a meeting of the Executive Committee shall be three (03) office bearers including the President or Vice President.
28. (1) Ordinary Meetings of the general membership (Full or Associate Members) shall be held as determined by the Executive Committee or at the request of at least half (1/2) the number of Full Members, for the purpose of discussing a specific matter, notice of which has been given to the Secretary with the request to convene the meeting.
(2) The Secretary shall give fourteen (14) days of such a meeting and of the Agenda for such meeting.
(3) The quorum for an ordinary meeting shall be half (1/2) the number of Full members.
29. All meetings of the Association may be recorded (both audio and video)
30. Only such persons as are duly nominated by a Full Member or an Associate Member or an Observer shall have the right to attend Meetings of the Association.
31. (1) Voting shall ordinarily be by a show of hands or digital vote by verified accounts associated with Full Members. Provided however that a vote may be taken by secret ballot if a majority of the members present at any meeting so desires.
(2) All Full Members who are not in arrears of subscription shall have the right to cast one vote.
(3) All decisions shall be made by more than half (1/2) of the votes validly cast
(4) Illegible, void, blank votes, and abstentions shall not be included in the count of validly cast votes.
(5) In the event that the votes cast are equal in number, the President or Chairman of the Meeting shall have a casting vote.
(6) Where a vote is taken at a meeting on any matter, the declaration by the President or Chairman, as the case may be, regarding the outcome of the vote, shall be final.
32. (1) The funds of the Association may be applied for any lawful purpose in furtherance of the objectives of the Association.
(2) The funds of the Association shall be deposited in the name of the Association in such Bank or Banks as may be determined by the Executive Committee.
(3) All cheques issued by the Association shall be signed by two signatories who shall be the Treasurer and either the President or the Vice President.
(5) The financial year of the Association shall be the year commencing the first day of April.
(6) The Accounts of the Association shall be audited each year and the audited statement of Accounts shall be presented to the members at the Annual General Meeting.
33. The Selection Committee appointed by the Ministry of the Government of Sri Lanka responsible for sports activities will be responsible for the selection of Esports athletes for international tournaments.
34. In this Constitution –
(A) “Clan” shall mean a group consisting of not less than five (05) persons who have organized themselves for the purpose of engaging in competitive Esports.
(B) “Esports” shall mean any video gaming activity played competitively through the electronic medium.
(C) “Gaming café” shall mean a public entertainment place at which persons engage in Esports through facilities provided for a fee by the owner or proprietor of such place.
35. The provisions of this Constitution may be amended with the approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the Full Members.
36. The Association may be dissolved only at a Special General Meeting convened for the purpose and with the approval of more than two-thirds (2/3) of the Full Members.
37. No discussion or voting by the Association shall infringe in any way on the freedom and independence of any Member, who shall, at all times, retain complete independence and control over all matters falling within its field of activity.
38. The provisions of this Constitution shall come into force on 31 May 2010. Future amendments when adopted by Full Members in accordance to the rules stipulated in clause 31 will come into force immediately.
39. The Association shall be bound by all the provisions under the Sports Law No.25 of 1973 and by subsequent regulations framed under that Law, by the Ministry of the Government of Sri Lanka responsible for sports activities. These regulations shall form part of this Constitution.